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Carbon calculator reveals Labour and Tory policy as science fiction

"Economic growth is incompatible with cutting carbon emissions, most of which are produced by manufacturing and consumption"


Is Stephen Hawking right about aliens?

"Stephen Hawking thinks that making contact with aliens would be a very bad idea indeed. But with new, massive telescopes, we humans are stepping up the search. Have we really thought this through?"

Category: Space


Sea ice loss driving Arctic warming cycle, scientists confirm

"Study identifies cycle of ice loss and temperature rise that could see Arctic's icy cover disappear sooner than expected"

Category: Climate Change


Asteroid coated with ice suggests ingredients for life came from space

"Ice and organic chemicals found on an asteroid back the theory that asteroids provided the Earth with the bare necessities of life"

Category: Space


US research paper questions viability of carbon capture and storage

"A new research paper... threatening to blow a hole in growing political support for carbon capture and storage as a weapon in the fight against global warming. [The paper claims that] it would take a reservoir the size of...

Displaying results 681 to 685 out of 2977